(A non-profit Community organization of Pakistani Americans of Central Ohio)
Basic data
Member Name*:
Spouse Name*:
Family data
Contact data
Note: Slide To Input More Data
Name of kids u/18 living w/member
Alternate Email:
Phone (C)*:
Phone (H):
Phone (W):
Include area code with the phone numbers
* Required information
Check the type of membership desired
One-time dues cover two adults and up to five kids under 18 years of age living with the member
One-time dues cover one adult and up to five kids under 18 years of age living with the member
Annual dues cover two adults and up to five kids under 18 years of age living with the member
Annual dues cover one adult and up to five kids under 18 years of age living with the member
Registered students of a college/university
**Annual dues are for Calendar year (January 1 – December 31)
How can you help CAPA in conducting social and cultural activities?